Stats about Fire Occurrences
Fire extinguishers, Fire Protection Systems,Fires kill more Americans than all natural disasters combined. Every year more than 5,000 people die in fires, over 25,000 are injured, and direct property loss is estimated at over $9 billion. Fortunately, most fire losses can be prevented through effective public education and proper precautionary action.
At William Hird & Co. we specialize in bringing businesses up to par with local fire safety codes. Commercial and Industrial facilities are all subject to local fire codes, and can incur penalties if they are not properly set up with the appropriate equipment. Our specialists can assess, consult, and provide solutions for all types of businesses and their fire safety needs. Below are some statistics about fire safety to consider when thinking about the safety of your business and your employees:
The Danger of Fires
- In 2015, Fire Departments across the United States responded to over 1.3 million fires.
- There were 3,280 fire-related deaths and 15,700 injuries in the United States.
- Fires caused $14.3 billion in direct property losses throughout the entire country.
- A majority of fire-related deaths are the result of smoke-inhalation.
- Only 1/3 of Americans have practiced a fire escape plan.
- Every 23 seconds a fire department is responding to a fire
Major Causes of Fires
- 21% Cooking equipment
- 15% Electrical distribution and light equipment
- 11% Heating equipment
- 11% Intentional
- 06% Smoking materials
Fire Prevention and Equipment Information
- All commercial, industrial and institutional occupancies are required to have portable fire extinguishers throughout the facility
- All commercial cooking operations require protection with UL300 Wet Chemical Fire Suppression support systems
- Sprinkler systems are designed to automatically activate after the detecting the heat of a fire, providing a flow of water intended to slow or extinguish a fire
- Standpipe systems are a series of pipes that connect a water supply to hose connections that are intended for fire department or trained occupant use
- Fire hose cabinets house a high-pressure hose that carries water or other fire retardant to the fire to extinguish it
- Fire safety signs promote a safe environment and must be posted in conspicuous locations for all to see